October 6, 2009

Ugly YuBin is using Twitter.

another issue....

Stupid Bitch! Nobody even liked you... and your songs sucks!!!!!!
(chura mu daw gupi nga lata!!!)

here are some qoutes. Thanks for the person who saves this.

@carmento I hope it keeps raining and die in floods like those filipino monkeys about 19 hours ago from web in reply to carmento

@jen_shwa 정말 사진 잘 나왔어요! ㅋㅋㅋㅋ!!!!! 좋아서 죽을 거 같아요!!!!6:40 PM Sep 27th from web

@POOHNIDA 감사합니다!6:34 PM Sep 27th from web in reply to POOHNIDA

@soapysuds Just give them your dinner. It should be enough to feed the whole country or 2 days ㅋㅋㅋ Or let them cook u, that will last 2 yrs!6:30 PM Sep 27th from web in reply to soapysuds

@HelloMaiAzn Too bad I can’t understand ur bad English otherwise I would reply 2 u!Thanks 4 being fatter & uglier than me! I feel pretty now6:29 PM Sep 27th from web

@WGyenny 야! 예은! 지금 한국에서! 지금 뭐해? I love watching those filipinos suffer and drowning in their 3rd world monkey island! Monkeys can’t swim! ㅋㅋ6:26 PM Sep 27th from web in reply to WGyenny

@tangkwa I know u envy me because u told me ur a big fan of me. Thank u 8:43 AM Sep 27th from web in reply to tangkwa

@KennyLovesWG Wat r u talking about? Thanks 4 being a fan of us 8:40 AM Sep 27th from web in reply to KennyLovesWG

@MarryU5170 Hi! She messaged me 1st because she’s a big fan of me and WG! Thank u too 4 ur support ^^8:38 AM Sep 27th from web in reply to MarryU5170

@yoobin_pig I’m not a pig! pigs r cute!1:13 AM Sep 27th from web in reply to yoobin_pig

@MoLteaser Thanks 4 being a fan of me and WG! I will send u Spam if u cannot afford that fake meat in a can becoz I know u r 3rd world poor1:12 AM Sep 27th from web in reply to MoLteaser

@wgchristine R u going to India to donate your fat body? It can feed half the poor country LOL or r u going to eat them cuz u like curry?LOL1:08 AM Sep 27th from web in reply to wgchristine

@WGChristine Look at this girl http://www.myspace.com/hata… Fat, ugly & a Korean wannabe like you! :p LOL1:07 AM Sep 27th from web

@HelloMaiAzn U r ****ing stupid LOL If philippines isn’t a poor 3rd world monkey island, what is poor? If they’re not poor, what is poor?LOL1:06 AM Sep 27th from web in reply to HelloMaiAzn

@jen_shwa Hey check this out! A 3rd world country full of monkeys are drowning and dying! ^^ http://bit.ly/17VjST1:05 AM Sep 27th from web

@stupidsunye That’s y our English is bad. Coz we learn from our 3rd world fans who cant speak english either LOL Like Yenny said!10:48 PM Sep 26th from web in reply to stupidsunye

@Kirakoda My birthday is coming up soon! October 4! I’m going to turn 21 soon! U should really learn how to spell "retarded" UR SO STUPID :p7:25 PM Sep 26th from web in reply to Kirakoda

@alldanightlong Why do you think she’s so skinny? LOL You should try getting with her.7:22 PM Sep 26th from web in reply to alldanightlong

@alldanightlong What about me? Am I too ugly 4 u? Don’t tell anyone this, but Sun Mi is the biggest slut of the group.7:21 PM Sep 26th from web in reply to alldanightlong

@WGfollow Please don’t tell me not to come back 2 NYC becoz u found sum1 2 replace me coz I’m fat & ugly!10:26 AM Sep 26th from web

@2PMKhun How many times did you have 2 suck JYP’s cock 2 get in2 that gay boyband? I see Jay couldn’t take the anal sex nemore & quit LOL!!!7:58 AM Sep 26th from web in reply to 2PMKhun

@followjyp I need 2 get plastic surgery & go on a diet real fast b4 JYP makes up another lie I’m "sick" like what he did 2 현아 &kick me out!7:57 AM Sep 26th from web in reply to followjyp

@WGyubin We need 2 get plastic surgery & go on a diet real fast b4 JYP makes up another lie we r "sick" like what he did 2 현아 &kick us out!7:55 AM Sep 26th from web in reply to WGyubin

Good 2 be back in korea! I don’t have to be harassed by fat ugly white people or dirty smelly ugly southeast pacific islanders in America!11:59 PM Sep 25th from web

@hirataiyume Just look up our religions in the wonder girls profile 11:56 PM Sep 25th from web in reply to hirataiyume

I just made a filipino monkey maid and an Indonesian muslim whore cry LOL!!!!!11:47 PM Sep 25th from web

@ImGAGAL thanks 4 being our fan 11:36 PM Sep 25th from web in reply to ImGAGAL

@MoLteaser thanks 4 ur support! 11:35 PM Sep 25th from web in reply to MoLteaser

@sesshylover17 U want spam short fat boy? LOL u can’t afford it? I’ll give u money since i luv my fans so much!11:29 PM Sep 25th from web in reply to sesshylover17

@wgchristine thanks 4 being a fan and 4 ur support! u made me laugh a lot right now LOL!11:23 PM Sep 25th from web in reply to wgchristine

@wgchristine sun mi doesn’t look 2 happy 2 have 2 stand next to ur ugly horse teeth fat ass LOL ur head is 2 times bigger than hers LOL11:23 PM Sep 25th from web in reply to wgchristine

@ImGAGAL What kind of English is that? it doesn’t matter if u r stupid as long as we luv each other like yenny said. i live in korea.11:20 PM Sep 25th from web in reply to ImGAGAL

@MoLteaser thank u 4 ur support! u need money 2 buy spam becoz u r 3rd world poor? ok i will give u money coz we love each other!11:18 PM Sep 25th from web in reply to MoLteaser

@ImGAGAL my god! ur uglier than me! LOL nice improper english by the way stupid 3rd world peasant 11:16 PM Sep 25th from web in reply to ImGAGAL

@wgchristine congratulations 4 showing ur fat ugly face. r u too stupid 2 c i put my face all over my profile? LOL11:14 PM Sep 25th from web in reply to wgchristine

@funoo awww look who is crying now :p U shoudl of thought about that b4 ur ugly muslim monkey ass messaged me 1st LOL11:14 PM Sep 25th from web in reply to funoo

@yoobin_is_fat Im yubin and im in korea rite now coz i need plastic surgery on my ****ed up face10:40 PM Sep 25th from web in reply to yoobin_is_fat

@funoo i told u since ur a fan of ours i will give u money so u can buy $2 Spam becoz u r too poor to afford that fake food LOL we luv all!10:35 PM Sep 25th from web in reply to funoo

@funoo repeating the same world all the time? what? pretending as ugly yubin? LOL thanks 4 admitting yubin is ugly ;0)9:32 PM Sep 25th from web in reply to funoo

@jen_shwa yeah it doesnt matter if we r stupid! as long as we love each other! like what 예은 said!9:20 PM Sep 25th from web


Anonymous said...

Hello, I'm a Korean.
I must say to filipino.
I think that twitter author is NOT Korean, Anti-Korean Japanese.
'Kim Yubin' is famous Korean singer.

if he/she is really Korean, why he hate Korean, and named as "ugly"?

he/she is NOT a Korean, he/she is a Japanese who pretend to Korean.
Remeber, Internet is anonymous world, anybody pretend to any nationality.

Obviously, twitter author is NOT Korean, author is a Japanese who pretend to ugly Korean, and who want spread anti korea sentiment to world.

We love filipino. So, don't fall dirty Japanese trap.

All people. Most of the nastiest posters here are Japanese pretending to be various different nationalities. Remember that. Japanese are the worse scums of the earth. We hate their guts too.

Think about it.

According to common sense,
if you are filipino, you want filipino singer name as "ugly"?

if you are filipino, you want post "ugly" image of filipino singer?

if you are filipino, you want post "i am a filipino, I want xxxx country person are die" write racist and dirty comment to other foreigner?

All of This made by Anti-Korea Japanese troll.

And, Korean don't have ANY single antagonism to filipino.
Why Korean write such comments? Any reason? Absolutely Nothing.

Only Japanese racist troll who pretend to Korean, want made this trouble.

I'm a Korean, if he/she is a real Korean, We 100% apology to filipino.

But, I really really think that author is NOT Korean. Most Korean don't act like that.

This is made by Anti-Korea Japanese racist troll who pretend to Korean.

We love filipino.

Remeber, Internet is anonymous world, anybody pretend to any nationality.


And, UglyYubin and cheondangmoon4 (aka HaneulMoon, aka WunoThefilipino, aka WunofilipinoMonkey) are same Japanese troll who pretend to Korean.


e-Board said...

I really appreciate your concerns to your fellow Korean. We were really hurt when that person posted that. Anyway, you have your point. The people here were already aware that Ugly Yubin’s twtter account is not really owned by Yubin.

Anonymous said...

I agree to her, i have Korean friends, and they don't act as if they want filipinos to die, when my grandmother was sick they even gave us basket of fruits.

Koreans are nice people but i strongly agree that these Yu Bin is not the real owner of the account.

and i also think that japanese @ssholes wants a new world war. but these world needs peace.
if japanese country have a big flood we might also say that because of insulting our country.

and i think japanese people are using other people's names to make them not famous, to lose their fame.

Anonymous said...

and if she/he is not korean how did he/she learn to type korean words in right grammar...

Anonymous said...

I can pretend to Japanese also.


Anybody can pretend to Korean.

1. Copy and paste from Korean website.
2. Using Google Translator
3. or, learned korean language.

It is very easy way to blame korean, pretend to Korean, and insult any foreign people.
Seriously, There is NO reason that Korean hate filipino.

I think He/She is a Anti-Korea Japanese troll who pretend to Korean.

And, This is the reason that why I think UglyYubin is a japanese who pretend to Korean.
Only Japanese said filipino as "Monkey".
I will show you how Japanese think about filipino.

Source : Japanese largest website 2ch.
(Note : '猿' refer to 'Monkey')

#1. From Japanese website

【 フィリピンメス猿を嫌いな理由・原因 】
Reasons that why i Hate filipino. wriiten by Japanese

#2. ● 自宅マンションやアパートにフィリピンメス猿ホステス群がいて、
They are dirty, we Japanese can't live with Filipino
We ignored filipino monkey hostes. lol

#3.● 近所に集団で住んでたフィリピン猿が、灯油を入れるポリ容器を
(「灯油クレ!」の意味だってよw さすがは乞食猿www)
Negihbor filipino monkey said polyethylene jar is a kerosene oil. and he gift it to me.
filipinos are really beggar monkey. lol

#4. ● 中学校の時の英会話補助教員のフィリピンメス猿から
When i was middle school studnet, filipino teacher said i am a yellow monkey.

#5. ● 夫・父親がフィリピンメス猿ホステスに貢いで家庭崩壊した
Many Japanese Father have sexual relationship with Filipino female monkey hostess.

#6. ● 空港のセキュリティーチェックでフィリピンメス猿ホステス群が
Filipino monkey harrassed japanese at a convenience store.

#7. ● コンビニのレジでフィリピンメス猿ホステスが店員や客に迷惑をかけていた
Filipino monkey are dumb and don't know how can pass at enterance at airport.

#8. ● 在日ピン猿が産み落としたガキ共が、小学生の子供のクラスを学級崩壊させた
Filipino residence in Japan disrupting Japanese elementary school studnets. (cause english teacher?)

#9. ● 会社のフィリピン猿群が態度デカイし、一日中騒がしくて、
When Filipino monkey break a promise, monkey never says "sorry".

#10. ● 職場(飲食店)に精神異常のフィリピンメス猿とその日本人夫が来たが、
In my working place, Filipino monkey's husband make a disturbance our working place.