September 22, 2009

Inbox #1

Oppsss!!! No space for new messages! So here I am, blogging the text messages from my friends. Need to delete some.

God will never leave you empty. He will replace everything you lost. If He ask you to put something down, it's because He wants you to pick up something better

Friendship is not choosing the right person, but creating happy moments. Its not how much you love your friends from the start, but how much you value and keep them til' the end...

Forget WHAT IF's. Because the more you ask yourself with these, the more you're making yourself feel that you made the wrong choice.

Don't let yourself be stopped by anything from doing what you have always wanted. We are all afraid of not fitting into this world, of not being accepted. But it only takes from you to look around and figure out that you are surrounded by people who love you unconditionally. Feel free to make mistakes. Celebrate life. Because even if you shrug them away, the people who love you will always choose to stay.

Everyone wants to live on top of the mountain, but all the happiness and growth occurs while you're climbing it.

When rocks block your way, and mountains make the going difficult; remember: a rock can be a stepping stone while a mountain gives you the the best most perfect view.

Being kind is much more important than being right. For sometimes, what a person needs is not a brilliant mind that speaks but a patient heart that listens.

The most logical work of philosophy is embodied in 8 words: STAY if you're happy, LEAVE if you're not.

I guess SPIDERMAN wasn't kidding when he said: "No matter how much goodness you've done to them, they will still hurt you...
***nd man tanan tin ah...hehe

Trials are like fire, they can destroy or strengthen you. Just remember, the fire that melts the butter is the same fire that hardens the steel.

PAMALUBAG LOOB: Ga abot gani ang malas nga wala gina pangamuyo, ang swerte pa ayhan?
***Very inspiring gd abyan...thanks!

In life, no two SPIDER WEBS are the same. Be proud of your Achievements. Never compare, because UNIQUENESS is God-given.

What lies behinds us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us (Ralph Waldo Emerson)

It is better to remain silent an be thought a fool, than to speak and remove all doubt.

People make mistakes, but it's the after part that matters. The after part where you make it right.

When rocks block your way, and mountains make the going difficult. Remember; A rock can be a stepping stone while a mountain gives you the most perfect view. Walk with Faith.

Everyone wants to live on the top of the moutain, but all the happiness and growth occurs while you're climbing it.

People make mistakes, but it's the after part that matters... the after part where you make it right.

No matter how serious life gets, you will consequently need the company of people whom you can completely be laugh with. And you got me here... always!

Whatever happened in your past, learn to appreciate its lesson. Whoever you've become in the process, enjoy and treasure it. It's the new you who had overcome one of life's challenges. Keep in mind, "ONE DOWN! MORE TO GO!

As you observe a rice field, you would notice which heads are bent and which ones stand up straight. Well, the empty heads are standing tall and high, but the heads that are filled with grains are bending low. Indeed, the true great and strong people are humble and gentle. And they don't mind bowing low.

The biggest blessing in our lives is simply the presence of people who cares for us so much, whose love is for real and those who see us much beyond ourselves.

A word of love gives a space to life, a word from a friend gives happiness to the heart and the word of God gives direction and meaning to our lives.

There may be harm in risking, but remember that there can also be regrets in doing nothing.

The purpose of life is not just to live but to have the right reason to live for... We only live once but if we live right in God, once would be enough.

If they don't know how to value you, let them go... it's much better to lose them than to to feel stupid being with them.

Height of Optimism
Soldier: "Sir, we are surrounded by the enemies."
Major: "Excellent! We can now attack in any direction!"

We've learned that we get wiser each day. And no fairy can lead us to happy ending. We decide, we struggle, and somehow we begin to understand that we have the power to make each day better than yesterday.

Every little thing needs appreciation, every little appreciation has given attention and that little attentioncan turn something into a big function. Learn appreciation every little things, then you will see the real beauty of life. Give thanks for every circumstances that comes to your way.

Trials exist not because God wants to test you. Thats a lie. He already knows your capabilities, more than you could imagine. Trialsn exist because you need to learn one thing. FAITH!

God is wise coz' everytime we sleep, He gives us beautiful dreams, but He is even wiser coz' He lets us wake up every morning to give us the chance to fulfill those dreams.

You will get tired as everyone else does. You can have all the choices to stop. But remember, taking a good rest is a lot different from giving up.

The world's happienst friends never have the same characters. They just have the best understanding of their differences.

Every day is irreplaceable. So don't allow the negative moods of other people ruin your day.

Happy thoughts remove life's pressures. They have healing powers that uplift the spirit and lead to a blissful life. Think happy! Be happy!

How generous is God granting us another day to prosper, to win a soul, to right a wrong, to make things better, and to live life with purpose.

Its easier to be happy if you can look beyond imperfections than by trying to make everything perfect. Remember, its easier to wear slippers than to carpet the whole earth.

SEVEN cardinal rules of LIFE:
  1. Make peace with your past so it wont screw up the present.
  2. What other people think of you is none of your business.
  3. Time heals almost everything, give time.
  4. No one is charge of your happiness except you.
  5. Don't compare your life to others and don't judge them. You have no idea what their journey is all about.
  6. Stop thingking to much. Its alright not to know the answers. They'll come to you when you least expect it.
  7. Smile, you don't own all the problems in the world.

OPINIONS are like wrist watches. Everyone's watch shows a different time from others. But everyone believes that their time is correct.

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